Please click on an image to view a larger version:-
John CR Snushall birth certificate
John CR Snushall death certificate
Jim & Mary Pearce's Marriage Cert
John & Harriett Snushall-Marr Cert
John Colin Roberts Snushall Pg1
John Colin Roberts Snushall Pg2
John Douglas Dunlop Birth Certificate
John Douglas Dunlop Death Certificate
John & Elizabeth Dunlop Marr Record
John Dunlop & Maria Glissen Marr Record
John Dunlop's Death Certificate
John Dunlop-Courier 20-8-1951
John McGlenchy - Death Certificate
Catherine Snushall's 1st Letter to Army
Catherine's 2nd Letter to Army Pg1
Catherine's 2nd Letter to Army Pg2
Lindsay George Brown - Funeral Notice
Lindsay George Brown's Death Certificate
Lizzie Doherty Birth Cert