To Our Family History Home Page
First Published 31st January 2005 Last updated 29th August 2014
These web pages set out to document the ancestry of Trevor and Paulette Brown, primarily for the benefit and information of our children, grandchildren and future descendants.
Any mistakes or omissions have not been intentional. What we have tried to do is to compile all the known facts and information as we have and know them at this point in time.
Relatives are asked to contact us should they have any concerns regarding the information published on these pages and, similarly, if they would like us to make any changes or additions. Trevor's interest in his family tree followed a business trip to Perth WA in 1994, during which time he made the effort to find and meet his late Father's second wife, Maureen Herbert, and their four grown children. As a combined result of his parents marriage breakdown, Trevor's 10-year term in the Royal Australian Navy, and his decision to remain living interstate after the navy, it had been about 36 years since Trevor had last seen Maureen and her two sons. Trevor had never met his two sisters.
Our interest in our Family Tree was further motivated after learning, in November 2002, that Trevor's beloved Grandma Shy had, quite unbeknown to her family in Australia, had a child before emigrating as a young woman alone from Ireland to Western Australia in the early 1900s. Much of 2003 was spent researching this revelation and getting to know our late Grandmother's other family.
During other research for this book, Paulette learned quite a lot about her Great Great Grandfather, John Dunlop, who was a Captain in the British Cavalry and fought under Wellington at the Battle of Waterloo in 1815. He went on, with his mate James Regan, to discover gold at Ballarat in Victoria in 1851. An incredible man, who at 96 years of age, died of medical complications following a fall from a horse that he was breaking in and he now lies in an unmarked pauper's grave.
Whilst researching the life of Trevor's paternal Grandfather, Lindsay George Brown, Trevor came to believe that, unbeknown to his family in West Australia, Lindsay had changed his name. He had been born Lindsay Murdock Graham Snushall and his parents names were George Snushall and Catherine Cassidy.
Further research into this Snushall Connection found that Trevor's Great Great Great Grandparents were Irish ex-convicts, John Sheehan and Ann Toomey. However, they were just names that we'd obtained through the NSW Department of Births, Deaths and Marriages until we read the book, The Kingwill Family of Adjunbilly. The Kingwills, Cassidy’s and our own family can all trace their ancestry back to John and Ann Sheehan. The author, Ruth Polson, kindly permitted us to use information from her book.
These web pages document the research into the lives of some of our ancestors. Thank you for those many family members who have generously given information and photographs.
Enjoy these web pages for what they are; an attempt to provide the younger generation with a record of where they came from.
Trevor & Paulette Brown.